Honcho - Retail Space
Part of the company’s expansion plan was to move into an adjacent building. We were to build a simple connecting walkway, between the two offices. However, as the Honcho brand began to emerged we thought there was a great opportunity make use of this space.  We decided to ‘theme’ the area, creating a boutique ‘shop’ with our own branded merchandise. We turned what would have been a simple transitional space into the social hub of the company, installing a digital touchscreen which acted as suggestion box, music hub and animated notice board.
The area is loved by Honcho clients and employees alike, and has actually become something of a talking point in the industry. It’s the perfect way for Honcho to gift clients with a ‘thank you’ now and again in a shopping and commerce context.
Wherever possible visualising the final product is for me, essential. Have something to focus on so everyone knows where we're going and what the final product looks like is a way to enthuse and inspire a team.  I love using 3d software to communicate my ideas.
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
3d visualisation
VR Modelling
Transforming and reinventing Interior spaces is an opportunity to effect cultural change in a company. But, it can be finger in the air time as to how people will act emotionally to spaces they inhabit. I’ve found not leaving anything to chance is a great option. Creating spaces in VR saves much in time and money later. You can walk through rooms, get a feel for colours, furniture, lighting and murals. Quickly swapping out alternative options is easy, getting things looking just how you want them before committing to the build. Give a headset to anyone in the company and their reactions are instant and honest and they always add their own ideas into the mix in a natural way. As well as being the perfect experiential design tool, VR is a brilliant data gathering opportunity before a company commits to a design. 
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